Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) Research Group

The Knowledge Representation and Reasoning research group (KRR) at Cardiff University aims to develop novel methods for capturing, modelling and reasoning about knowledge encoded in symbolic or sub-symbolic forms. We also have a particular interest in research that crosses the boundaries of various AI fields, including Neuro-Symbolic reasoning, commonsense reasoning, and representation learning.

We offer expertise in: Ontology-enhanced Systems, Knowledge Graphs, Temporal and Probabilistic Reasoning, Neuro-symbolic Reasoning, Non-monotonic Reasoning, Belief change, Controlled Natural Language, Computational Social Choice.

Academic Staff

Víctor Gutiérrez-Basulto
Senior Lecturer
Reasoning in Ontology-Enriched Systems, Reasoning with Temporal or Probabilistic Knowledge, Integration of Reasoning, Learning, Plausible Reasoning with Ontologies
Richard Booth
Senior Lecturer
Belief Revision/Merging, Argumentation Theory, Computational Social Choice
Steven Schockaert
Reasoning with Imperfect Information, Commonsense Reasoning, Conceptual Spaces, Representation Learning, Lexical Semantics
Yazmín Ibáñez-García
Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Description Logics
Martin Caminada
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Non-monotonic Reasoning, Computational Models of Argument
Usashi Chatterjee
Semantic Web, Knowledge Representation and Reuse, Knowledge-Driven Human Information Interaction, Information Seeking and Searching
Hiroyuki Kido
Bayesian Machine Learning, Non-classical Logic and Argumentation
Sylwia Polberg
Argument-based Approaches for Modelling Agents and Dialogues, Reasoning with Uncertainty
Nico Potyka
Explainable AI, Knowledge Graphs and Description Logics, Computational Argumentation, Probabilistic Reasoning, Inconsistency Tolerance
Jandson S. Ribeiro
Belief Change, Logic, Inconsistency Measures, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Akash Anil
Social Network Analysis, Graph Neural Networks
Nitesh Kumar
Probabilistic Logic Programming, Neuro-Symbolic AI, and Commonsense Reasoning

PhD Student

Gregory Butterworth
PhD Student
E-democracy, liquid democracy, deliberation
Aric Fowler
PhD Student (2022- )
Multi-objective optimisation, computational social choice, complexity
Zhiliang Xiang
PhD Student (1/2023 - )
Data Cleaning, Integrations of Learning and Reasoning, KRR, Representation Learning

Former PhD Student

Joseph Singleton
PhD Student (2019—2023)
Truth discovery, computational social choice, epistemic logic, belief revision, argumentation